csak egy buta arnyek
Vótmá (eddigi posztok):
We can check your plugins and stuff
2011-09-17 15:04:09
nincs kategoria

Well, well. Just stop for a sec and think about what's happen to the bangness for rupees characteristic of consoles were there no PC games (or at least that market was much smaller). In this scenario it's very possible that due to the strong controls (hardware, software, legal) and very oligopolistic market (Sony, MS, Nintendo), prices would rise.

Every time you pay for a piece of PC hardware, donate to open source games, buy indie games (not via Xbox/PSN/whatever marketplace) you pay for the status quo.

Why? Because those nice entertainment corporations are doing it for profit, and some of that gets invested again. And again. And they do pretty much anything to gain more market share. And to contrast this with PC gaming (and not the EA Sports The Same Game with the number This Year +1, or the Modern Warfare 2 which was console targeted) where only a few corporations are big enough to thing about this problem at all (Valve with Steam and such).

These wars are fought for consumers, for markets. For profit. And this act of Sony is another fine dot in the representation of how less they care about anything else. Try to keep things in this dystopian perspective, because this is reality.

reddit, not even once.

És persze ez tökéletesen igaz bármilyen más piacra is, ahol a "barrier to entry", a piacralépés költsége magas. És azt is figyelembe kell venni, hogy van olyan piac, ahol ugyan alacsony ez a költség, viszont magas a "bizonytalanság" (lásd Facebook applikációk, Apple App Store, bármikor kidobhatnak, mert épp ők is kitalálták, hogy azt akarják csinálni, amiből eddig éltél).

Milyen nap van ma?

Megkíméljelek egy kis gépeléstől legközelebb?